Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Starting the journey…

Recently the winter blues kicked me hard and I wondered about life, its purposes, its problems and ultimately its pressures. I considered the future, the past and what might have been the present if the past had changed. It led me to believe that life is journey full of turnings and diversions. A journey with traffic lights that stop you just when you thought you were getting somewhere, a red line along the side so you can never stop and get away just when you need to. And when you do something wrong you know you’ll never escape it, because one day soon the fine will come through the post and you’ll have to deal with it then at a larger cost than what not doing wrong would cost.

Yes… life is a journey and each journey different even if the destination is the same. Some go the fast route, some the slow. Some take the scenic route, some the back roads. And some don’t make it all the way. You see, it is way too difficult to simplify life and very simple to make life difficult. But our dream, our passion we can define as the one thing we want that in reality is difficult to have and in our minds much easier and much softer to attain. We all have a dream, a place we want to be, a career we want to acquire or maybe its just a person we want to love us back.

For me, my life, my dream, my journey feels rough and yet I’ve only just set off. I’m heading along a route with two destinations hoping to get a sign from someone to tell me which one to choose. Or otherwise, when I get to the crossroad I’m going to face a tough decision all on my own. But the road is rough for another reason; possibly this one more so but I don’t like to admit it. Friends, reputations and judgmental pressures cause us to be someone we’re not, and that can pain us more than anything. But what about if you’re judged as something you’re not and you start to wonder what if I am? Have you really lost your way? Once in a while we need to grab a map and set us back on track. Remind ourselves who we are.

The point is we don’t know exactly where we’re going, we don’t know how long it will take and we’re not too sure we’ll make it all the way. But we do know that the road is long and winding, the journey is often bumpy and when (and if) we arrive, it will all be worth it. The pains, the pressures and worries will all be over, and we can say… I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Welcome to my map.

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