Tuesday, 1 April 2008

The changing of the seasons...

When the leaves shine through for the first time since October and the sun stays with us for longer and longer the time of new beginnings has arrived. The time of new life is upon us, the plants grow gently and sway in the light breeze the sky emits a lighter blue and in general the mood is light and airy, no cloudiness, no storms and no troubles. Yes, the spring brings new life in us all. However it seems this new life by the winter will deteriorate, expire and fall from the tree. We seem to change our moods like the seasons, but is it the moods we are changing? The leaf that grows back on the tree; is it a completely new person or just another new start? In life when we move on do we change who we are, or what we are?

There are times when we look at ourselves in the mirror and believe that we don’t even know who we are any more. The person who stares back at us has become something they never thought possible. We wonder have we lost our identity, have we changed for the worse, are our friends who our friends actually are? If we feel guilty then there probably is something wrong, someone we’ve hurt, someone we’ve lost on our way. What we really need is the changing of the seasons to lighten the mood. What we need is Spring.

We need it because it brings with it a new beginning to change us, to help us realise again who we are. But who are we? For scientist this is genetic, for priests its religious views, for Doctors it’s our health. And none of these are material things. So why do we judge so much on looks and styles? Is it because to ourselves, who we are is what we look like? No, honestly I’m not sure why we judge on looks, maybe it’s something we do to feel powerful and better about ourselves, and sometimes jealousy. But look into a mirror to find yourself and you don’t look at your clothes, you weren’t born a person with clothes so why would you. No, to find yourself you look into your eyes, deep into the windows of your mind to find out where you belong and what you believe, you do this because maybe, just maybe what we believe and ultimately who we are is pre-written for us in our genes, in our hearts and minds. And any attempt to change that will jus bring us back to where we belong because we know deep down that its wrong. I believe there is no way to recreate ourselves and end up happy, take Michael Jackson, he changed so much, but is he truly happy? That’s why change is so hard, because you have to like the change to accept it, and if you don’t then ultimately it may not be worth it at all.

So yes, we all follow the seasons with our moods. The summer brings the relaxation and the fun, the autumn brings the wind down and often the goodbyes, the winter brings the illnesses and the depression and spring like the cycle of water, like the bus route, it comes round again and brings us to the place we always want to be and be the person we always wanted to be, where the dreams have no limits, the future has no end, and the canvas though stained from the previous year, is clear enough to fill once more.

Happy Easter!

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