Sunday 23 March 2008

Pride and Prejudice.

While it’s true that we are all alone in this life, that we walk with one pair of feet and that our heart beats as one inside our chest, we cannot sometimes help loving someone for walking with their feet beside our own and for their heart beating in unison to the rhythm of ours. But finding that heart is a difficult process. First do we let our heart open so widely as to attract the wrong people and let it be hurt so fast? Or do we shut it and risk never letting people know while we watch them fade away; hurting us all the same? And second what are our circumstances? Are we ready? And if so will our lives let us have a relationship take it over? In the movies we always find that people drop their plans or journeys for the one they love. Isn’t it always the case that we have to lose something to gain a relationship? Isn’t it always the case that when we have a pocket full of sunshine our hands are always tied?

As I sit and watch peoples lives fall apart around me, I noticed what I have is so special and wonder why I deserve this joy, while just a couple of posts ago I was hurting inside and wondering what did I do to deserve this pain? It’s amazing what a little social life can do and also how seeing the truth can benefit all of us. You begin to notice the people who you thought were friends that you found out had other agendas and people who you once thought had other agendas become very good friends. But people come into your life for a reason and normally the bad people who enter your life give you an added little extra that they don’t know they’re giving you and you don’t know you’re receiving it until it hits you, and in my case hits you on the lips. When I met that ‘little extra’ I found I wasn’t that intrigued at all. But then when I found my feet in our friendship I took it a step further, you could say I developed an agenda but one to benefit us both. Our hearts began beating in sync.

I’ve never let my heart open as much as it has recently. Maybe there are people out there with the key to your heart or maybe just the confidence and the knowledge that you are wanted, that someone feels a closeness and need for you boosts your confidence and your aura to develop this newer you. People say you know when you’re in love, but I know this is not love, nor has anything before this been love, but this is a change from an introvert to an extrovert, this is just development, movement, a change of the winds. Change is hard to deal with, but what if the change is a good change? Normally when change is bad it affects you directly, but when change is good it boosts you and depletes others, they may resent you for it, even argue with you about it, but then change is bad for you again. Right? But why should feel bad for feeling good?

Love is something I can’t write about, because I don’t want to judge books by their covers. For I was once a book with an abnormal cover compared to those I was next to. But when someone comes along and finds a great novel behind that cover the others start to change, you become a bestseller and you find that while all the others have to put up with change hurting them, you are the same book you always were with the same cover and you are still selling out. So the reason we can’t grab our pocket full of sunshine is because we’re always putting up with change, so the be the person you are, excel in the places your heart believes in and understand yourself because then come rain or shine the sun is yours. Just don't punish the others books on the shelf with your success because they are holding you upright and the fall is along way down. And as for the movies, the books are always better anyway!

Be true to yourself.

Tuesday 18 March 2008

Didn't we almost have it all?

In such a material world where women love their shoes and men their technology and while we spend, spend, spend; do we ever pause to think that maybe we’ve got enough? There are after all people out there barely surviving on a day-to-day basis. When we buy something new, something expensive we immediately feel guilty, a part of us feels empty, as does our bank account. So if we feel this doubt and ever so slight unhappiness have we overstepped the mark? In life is it possible to have it all and more?

For all of us merely surviving is not enough and like everyone around us when we move up the ladder we comfort to it and it becomes not enough. But what if we try to jump the ladder too fast? When we move fast paced everything becomes blurry and we may lose that what we dearly possess while we’re lost in the moment. It isn’t until we stop to pause that we notice what we’ve dropped, and then we have to move backwards in our steps. Is this what we’re all doing? By buying ourselves out of our league do we believe that it will bring us the happiness of a superior league and yet realise when we get there we’ve left that happiness behind?

What is having it all? Is there a general limit or is it personalised? Is it an amount in money and assets? Does it measure friendships? I believe that it is none of these things, because in life you can never have it all because yesterdays ‘All’ is different from today’s. What if one day you were a singer in a bar dreaming of the top, and the next you were talent spotted and had a multi million pound contract. Would you’re expectations be the same? In short, no. Because having it all is somewhere above where we are, but it will always stay above where we are.

Whitney Houston once asked ‘Didn’t we almost have it all?’ There are times when it feels so close that in our minds we really do have it all. But there is always room for improvement. Right? Whitney concludes that ‘you’ll never love that way again’ so is there a peak when you can get close and never get that close again? I think so because we can’t go on chasing all the time, we do give up once we do our best, there are comebacks but when do they ever last? So when you get close, give it your all because if the ‘ride’ is good enough it’ll be ‘worth the fall.’

‘All’ is a very broad term, it cannot be distinguished in real terms but we know deep inside when we’re close, the inner sense of happiness, the warmth, a smile, a laugh and whole load of good memories. But when we feel the doubt we felt in the beginning, it’s not us having all and more; it’s the loss of something we had on the way. But it all can phase out like the seasons, like the spring it’s a time to ascend, like the summer a time to shine and for the rest I wish you… ‘All’ the best!

Saturday 15 March 2008

Why are we so scared of recession?

We all invest our heart in different stock; friendship, love and dreams. We live in hope that it will grow and grow. But in reality what goes up must come down. In economics this is known as a recession, a downturn in the economy, a fierce environment for making money. What if we modelled life as an economy? They say sometimes in order to grow in the long term a recession isn’t that bad at all. It’s always going to happen so staving it off may worsen its damage and the period before a recession is known as a slowdown so won’t prolonging this downward spiral make it seem all the worse? We have to wonder in our lives can a recession help us grow?

There are people paid tens of thousands, possibly hundreds, to assess risks in investments but only an individual can evaluate his/her own risk and even then we can’t get all the facts. Make a risky investment of the heart like releasing your trust to someone else’s may or may not pay off. Will it make us profit and boost our stock or will it make a dramatic loss and set us off down the river with speedy currents into the path of a waterfall. But we all see red sometimes. In the recession we can’t think clearly, problems build and build and our mind runs round in circles while our value depreciates by the second. It is said that the government can get a country out of a recession by making investment. So is any investment wise? The truth is even if we got the smoothest outcome from our investment there will always be some small hiccup because things are always too good to be true. In financial terms, if we left our money in the bank and didn’t invest a penny we’d earn interest, but if we risked a little here and a little there then we may make profits on a scale that will send our balance soaring. And then you ask… Can I risk missing out?

Happiness is immaterial and…No… money cannot bring happiness, at least not in the long term because we adjust to money, you may get a pay rise but 6 months to a year down the line you will be complaining about it because as our tastes change so does our balance. But what if you earned a lot more happiness; will it eventually make you unhappy?

When we escape a recession because an investment finally pays off what changes? Is it a lighter mood, a change of appearance, or is it just the opportunity to start building your economy somewhere else all over again and leave the dead wood behind? What we do know is that when its all over, said and done we can reflect in a much cleaner mirror, we can see clearly the mistakes behind us and learn that in the future stock is a volatile thing.

If we learn from our mistakes then we have done something special, something that proves our point. We have received a life experience; been educated and can go forward into tomorrow without resenting yesterday, after all research shows that education gains a better wage. So from our recession no matter how big or small we find our stock begins to increase and we release a dividend from our heart to our mouths and smile.

Have a great day!

Tuesday 11 March 2008

Starting the journey…

Recently the winter blues kicked me hard and I wondered about life, its purposes, its problems and ultimately its pressures. I considered the future, the past and what might have been the present if the past had changed. It led me to believe that life is journey full of turnings and diversions. A journey with traffic lights that stop you just when you thought you were getting somewhere, a red line along the side so you can never stop and get away just when you need to. And when you do something wrong you know you’ll never escape it, because one day soon the fine will come through the post and you’ll have to deal with it then at a larger cost than what not doing wrong would cost.

Yes… life is a journey and each journey different even if the destination is the same. Some go the fast route, some the slow. Some take the scenic route, some the back roads. And some don’t make it all the way. You see, it is way too difficult to simplify life and very simple to make life difficult. But our dream, our passion we can define as the one thing we want that in reality is difficult to have and in our minds much easier and much softer to attain. We all have a dream, a place we want to be, a career we want to acquire or maybe its just a person we want to love us back.

For me, my life, my dream, my journey feels rough and yet I’ve only just set off. I’m heading along a route with two destinations hoping to get a sign from someone to tell me which one to choose. Or otherwise, when I get to the crossroad I’m going to face a tough decision all on my own. But the road is rough for another reason; possibly this one more so but I don’t like to admit it. Friends, reputations and judgmental pressures cause us to be someone we’re not, and that can pain us more than anything. But what about if you’re judged as something you’re not and you start to wonder what if I am? Have you really lost your way? Once in a while we need to grab a map and set us back on track. Remind ourselves who we are.

The point is we don’t know exactly where we’re going, we don’t know how long it will take and we’re not too sure we’ll make it all the way. But we do know that the road is long and winding, the journey is often bumpy and when (and if) we arrive, it will all be worth it. The pains, the pressures and worries will all be over, and we can say… I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Welcome to my map.